Kyle Parkhurst, President (2026), called the meeting to order at 4:00pm which was held at the water plant. Members in attendance were Harlan Horst (2026), Mark Closterman (2024), and Gary Buck (2024). Also in attendance were Gary King, Water Superintendent, Diane Hulett, Clerk, and visitor, Mike Lammers, lot 168.
Mark Closterman made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 27, 2023 Board Meeting. Gary Buck seconded. All members were in favor; motion carried.
There was no public comment.
Diane informed the board that all outstanding bills for the water treatment plant project have now been paid. The total cost of the project came in slightly under budget at $2,738,507.69.
Financial Report:
The financial reports and bills were reviewed and discussed. Harlan Horst moved to approve the June financial reports as submitted and approve the bills and transfers. Mark Closterman seconded. All members voted to approve; motion carried.
The vacant board position was discussed. A motion was made by Mark Closterman and seconded by Harlan Horst to appoint Mike Lammers to fill the unexpired term of Jeffrey Speaker as Sub-District #4 Director. All members were in favor; motion carried.
Reorganization of the board was discussed in order to fill the office of Vice-President previously held by Jeffrey Speaker. A motion was made by Mark Closterman and seconded by Gary Buck to appoint Harlan Horst as Vice-President. Harlan Horst moved to amend the previous motion by adding Mark Closterman be appointed as Secretary. Gary Buck seconded. All members voted to approve; amended motion carried. The motion to appoint Harlan Horst as Vice President and Mark Closterman as Secretary was then put to a vote. All members were in favor; motion carried.
A motion was made by Harlan Horst and seconded by Gary Buck to update the bank signature cards to reflect the recent change in directors. All voted in favor; motion carried.
Superintendent Report:
Gary reported that he had been contacted by Daviess County Commissioner, Wayne Uthe, to meet and discuss emergency connections with neighboring districts. He also reported that an insurance claim has been submitted after lightning struck the utility pole outside the water plant on 6/28, causing damage to some equipment. Gary noted that the Consumer Confidence Report for last year is now available online at, and the security system has been installed. He also informed the board that the estimate from Decker Construction to cap off the old plant was $5,000-$6,000. A motion was made by Harlan Horst and seconded by Mark Closterman to approve the expense up to $6,000. All members voted in favor; motion carried.
Kyle Parkhurst, President, announced the next meeting would be August 15, 2023 at the water plant. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mark Closterman