“Turn Your Inner Zeus Loose” was the official motto for this year’s 11th Annual Lake Viking Polar Plunge held on Feb. 24 which raised $31,600. It would seem that the plungers took those words to heart for the event.
Prior to the event, St. Joseph Special Olympics Co-Coordinator Melody Prawitz was optimistic with 112 plungers preregistered. When registration actually opened, a mob of eager plungers stepped forward, in colorful costumes.

Every year the plunge is a little different. The unique and exciting thing about this year’s event was student participation – groups from high schools at Chillicothe, Lathrop, Polo, and Trenton.
There was even a sizeable group representing Lathrop Middle School that was responsible for good fundraising numbers.
Once again, some of the old standbys were there – Jim Rash of Galt (always the top individual fundraiser) along with his son, Pierce, and the group from Chillicothe Corrections Center. These have gone into the cold water all 11 years of Lake Viking’s annual event.

Both the number of participants and amount raised make this event one of the most successful Lake Viking plunges.
Judy Rash, who puts in long days and a monstrous amount of volunteer hours as the event volunteer coordinator, was pleased with the turnout and would like to thank the following sponsors: Smithfield Hog Production, Lake Viking Marine, Barnes Baker of Trenton, Mi Mexico, Quality Inn & Suites, Max Curnow, Woody’s Auto, KTTN Trenton, Gallatin Fire Department, Lake Viking Association, Gallatin North Missourian and Tim Gilham …an impressive list!

Judy Rash thanks The DAWGS team for all their help and for providing the concessions for the plunge. Thanks to all volunteers that helped prior to the event and the day of the event. We could not put on these events without the volunteers. Thank you, Lake Viking, for another successful event.

Plunger Stats

  • Richard Smith, 1st Place Individual Golden Plunger Award as Gru from Despicable Me
  • Heather Swymeler, 2nd Place Individual Golden Plunger Award as Medusa
  • Kurtis Brewer, 3rd Place Individual Golden Plunger Award as Greek Warrior
  • The Polar Dawgs, 1st Place Team Golden Plunger Award as Polar Bears Pulling Chariot
  • Access II, 2nd Place Team Golden Plunger Award as Greek Goddesses
  • Chillicothe High School, 3rd Place Team Golden Plunger Award as Dalmatians

Top Individual Fundraisers

  • Jim Rash $6,925
  • Ed Morris $3,995
  • Sheriff Greg Crader $2,130

Top Team Fundraisers:

  • DAWGS $6,925
  • Team Morris $4,490

Top School Fundraisers:

  • Lathrop Middle School $1,565
  • Chillicothe High School $915
  • Lathrop High Schools $700

Top Law Enforcement Fundraisers:

  • Western Missouri Correctional Center $4,587
  • Chillicothe Correctional Center $3,231
  • Platte County Sheriff’s Office $2,330