This diagram is from Mark Leggett and is his proposal for an amphitheater that would be located on the hill west of the clubhouse. It is proposed that construction would be done by Association labor with large limestone rocks costing between $4,200 to $13,400 (depending on the grade of limestone) with the finished product being a small outdoor multi-function amphitheater venue for use by Association Members and for future Association events. Input from readers is welcome at any time. Your thoughts?
This would be a 3-tiered structure using big flat rock. It could be used for weddings, bands and other activities throughout the year. Sponsorship money was raised to celebrate the Lake’s 50th Birthday and Mark would like to also propose some kind of naming rights for the Amphitheatre. The Board discussed this at the November Board Meeting and it is the thought of some Board Members to let all Association members decide if this is something they want and bring it to the Annual Meeting in March for a vote.
We would like to hear your opinion, so plan to attend the December board meeting on Sunday, Dec. 9 at 6:30 p.m. if you would like to voice your opinion.