Have you signed up for Lake Viking urgent/emergency text alerts? We are very grateful to Farmers Bank in Gallatin for providing this service to us. To enroll, just go directly to the Farmers Bank website. We cannot enroll you. You can also stop the text messages at any time. The text communication tool will be reserved for important messages. Here are the steps to enroll:
1. Go to www.onlineFarmersBank.com
2. Click on “Community Connection” on top right hand side of page
3. Click on “Sign Up Today.”
4. Step 1 – under general information
a. Add your name and zip code
b. Click “yes” under text message
c. Enter your cell number and carrier
d. Under “Message Group,” click the box for “Lake Viking” (under Daviess County-Gallatin Branch)
5. Click on continue
6. Enter the 5-digit authorization code that will be sent to your cell phone through a text message and continue to enrollment process.
7. You are enrolled to receive urgent and emergency messages from Lake Viking Association.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact the Viking Valley Association office at 660-663-2131.