5 tickets came before the committee and 5 fines were imposed: two for dogs roaming, two for decals missing on boats and one for misuse of a dumpster. Mark Leggett suggested that the Infraction Committee and Safety must work hand in hand. Mark presented an outline of these two working together.
NOTE — The first meeting of the year was scheduled for May. According to the minutes of the Lake Viking Board of Directors (May 3, 2020), Mark Leggett asked the board’s opinion about giving guidelines to the committees. He feels like the board should have some input on what the committees are working on. On another note, Mark brought up the possibility of giving written warnings for non-flagrant violators instead of writing tickets for everything. The board was in agreeance on this. Mark is also concerned about the Infraction Committee not considering the cost of a ticket, depending on the violation. They have set amounts for tickets depending on the violation. He would like the board to give them some leniency to decide an appropriate amount depending on the violation. The board was also agreeable to this practice.