Call to Order
Tony Gronniger, lot 2281, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. May 16. Board members present were: Mark Leggett, lot 72; Celeste Armanees, lot 62; Troy Lesan, lot 576; Allan Slavin, lot 181. Not present were Marvin McNabb, lot 28 and Mike Booth, lot 2380. Allan Slavin led in prayer. Shad Mort led the Pledge of Allegiance. Tony Gronniger opened the meeting with the Vision/Mission Statement: “Lake Viking is a private lake aspiring to preserve our community and environment for future generations.”
Approval of Minutes
Mark Leggett moved to approve the minutes of the April 11, 2021, board meeting. Celeste Armanees seconded; motion passed.
Committee Reports:
Handbook Committee
Celeste Armanees commented there is a proposed rule change from the Building Committee that she will present later in the meeting.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee met May 13, online. John Kmetz (chair) and six other committee members were present. In reviewing April financial statements compared to last year at this time, income was up nicely in all areas. On the expense side, there were two large expenditures: one was the 2020 tax year payment of $103,000 to the IRS for capital gains tax owed on the sale of Community Areas. The other was $73,270 paid for our new Safety boat. Both of these large expenses were anticipated and budgeted. Additional capital expenditure items were: a $3,900 pickup for Maintenance Department and $12,500 for road tubes.
As discussed at last month’s meeting, a new line item #7101 Campground Utilities now appears on the VVA budget, with line item #7100 for Campground Non-Utility expenses to be tracked by the Campground Manager and Lake Manager.
Outsourcing: As a result of earlier work done by Marvin McNabb on the potential cost to convert to QuickBooks software for VVA’s accounting procedures, the Board instructed the Finance Committee to explore the option of outsourcing all VVA finances (accounting, billing, dues invoicing, payroll, etc). As a result, an RFP was sent to five accounting firms — three of whom responded with their bid. After studying these three bid proposals, the Finance Committee determined that Westbrook & Company Certified Public Accountants in Richmond, MO, presented the most thorough plan that best meets VVA’s needs and is cost-effective. Troy made a motion that the Board of Directors approve the Finance Committee moving forward with our proposal to retain (hire) Westbrook, pending the Committee’s final virtual meeting with their representative this week. Mark Leggett seconded; motion passed.
Strategic Planning Committee
No Report
Activities Committee
Celeste Armanees reported another successful Cinco De Mayo with nearly 100 attendees. The next event will be the Poker Run on June 5. The cost is $20 per hand, with lots of prizes and a 50/50 raffle. At the Poker Run, the committee will also be selling Lake Viking flags for your Polaris Ranger @ $10 each to help “flag” VVA member (vs non-member) vehicles.
Building Committee
Troy Lesan presented a motion on behalf of Marvin McNabb, board contact for the Building Committee, to add an item to the “Building Permit Required” list. Celeste Armanees had also talked to Marvin about this change, and she wanted to amend the motion. Troy withdrew his motion and Celeste made a new motion to add the following bullet point to “Building Permit Required” on Handbook pg. 19: “Installation or replacement of a floating dock, whether dock is already on Lake Viking or not (new or used): Permit request will denote dock measurements, distance from each side property line, and distance from water’s edge at full reservoir to end of the dock. All requirements for a new dock will apply to a used dock. Docks that were grandfathered in will lose the grandfather clause when ownership changes.” Troy Lesan seconded. Allan Slavin explained what prompted this change is that a member received a ticket for moving a dock on the lake and, because the Handbook is not clear about docks, the ticket was dismissed. Shawn Hepinstall suggested a new Building Permit form specifically for docks. After discussion, Troy Lesan called the question and the motion passed.
Fire Department
No Report
Campground Committee
Mary Hibler reported the campgrounds are full. Mary moved to add Cathy Price to the Campground Committee. Troy Lesan seconded; motion passed. Mark Leggett brought up an issue in the Campground that needs to be addressed: There are people living in the Campground full-time, but we have no checks or balances to validate who should be paying the extra fee for camping more than 21 days/month. It is totally on the honor system. Mark said this puts the Campground Manager in a bad position, as well as the office staff. Tony Gronniger said a recommendation from the Campground Committee would be appropriate. Mary Hibler posted on the Lake Viking Campground page a friendly reminder that anyone owing for extended camping should go to the office and pay the extra fee.
Lake Committee
Troy Lesan reported the Lake Committee met on April 30. We went out in boats to check our Zebra Mussel detectors. We are happy to report no presence of Zebra Mussels was detected. The Lake Committee also monitored properties for non-compliance on property upkeep. All in all, the lake shoreline looks good. But the Committee noted several properties in need of shoreline rip-rap, and numerous properties not properly displaying their lot number. Warning letters have gone out. As a reminder, property owners must display lot number and street address at roadside when needed, as per pg. 38 of the Handbook. And members should review the Property Maintenance & Upkeep section on pg. 32 of the Handbook. The Lake Committee also found numerous docks with the wrong lot number, which indicates that a lot of docks are being bought and sold and transferred between property owners. We intend to take a closer look at this situation next week when we’re on the water. Again, we urge property owners to make sure that the correct lot number is posted on docks and on properties.
Infraction Committee/Safety
No Report
Dredge Committee
Shawn Hepinstall reported on dredge operations: The Garney area is now complete with an estimated 12,000 cubic yards of material removed. We made a pass around beach 1 and beach 2 with the dredge, and also the danger area toward the South End. The danger area is as deep as we can go, because we were hitting clay and gravel and had to stop. The dredge is now parked for some general maintenance. Also, an RFP was sent to 25 companies to bid on the South End silt pond project. Of those, three companies came out and inspected the proposed site, and one company submitted a bid. After looking at the project more closely, they will come back with another bid. Our goal, if this bid works out, is to start construction by mid-June or July. The terrace will need to be closed in that area when construction begins, so we will have to build a road out to 165th Street. When the new bid comes in, Shawn will get it to the Board for discussion at the next Board meeting. Mark Leggett thanked the Dredge Committee for all the hard work they have done, which is a lot of volunteer hours.
Lake Manager Report (Shad Mort)
- We received the new trash contract from Affordable Disposal. We have an extended 1-month contract with our current trash company Waste Management, then Affordable Disposal will take over starting July 1.
- The new Safety boat was delivered on Thursday.
- The pool will open May 28. Shad asked the Board if we need to have any COVID restrictions in place. The Board agreed on no restrictions. We have hired four pool attendants. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If members want the pool open after our pool attendants go back to school, we will need some VVA members to volunteer this year (which kept the pool open last year) for the month of August thru 1st week of September.
- Staff vacancies: We have one full-time maintenance employee leaving next week after 12 years, and one seasonal employee also leaving.
- Fireworks have been scheduled for July 3. They continue to go up in price each year. Price $10,860 this year is $1,100 more than last year.
Mark Leggett moved to approve the financial reports. Troy Lesan seconded; motion passed.
Guest Time:
- Tyler Miller addressed the Board about an infraction ticket he received for failure to maintain trash service. Tyler called Waste Management to set up his service, but he said they wanted to charge him $18 a month, which is more than all other members are paying at the lake. Tyler was asked how long he had been at the lake and he said since 2012 or 2013. He was then asked if he had not had trash service this whole time? He said no one has lived there all the time and he is trying to sell it. Mark Leggett responded that if there is a house on the lot, even if you are part-time you still have to have trash service. Mark also asked who Caleb Ireland is. Tyler responded Caleb was living there until they get it sold just to watch the place. Caleb was caught dumping trash at the maintenance area. Since this practice is a costly problem that the Board is trying to address, Troy Lesan asked how they are disposing of their trash if they don’t have trash service? Tyler said they take it to the farm. Mark Leggett moved to uphold the ticket. Troy Lesan seconded; motion passed.
Board Discussions
- Gallatin Publishing: Mark Leggett announced that Gallatin Publishing will be closing the business. They print our Lake Viking News and own our website ( Mark moved to discuss this further in Executive Session. Celeste Armanees seconded; motion carried.
- Finance RFP: This was already discussed in tonight’s Finance report.
- Cameras: Troy Lesan presented three motions on behalf of Marvin McNabb, to approve surveillance cameras.
- Troy moved to approve the funding to place video surveillance cameras on Beach 2, not to exceed the attached bid. Mark Leggett seconded; motion passed.
- Troy moved to approve the funding to place video surveillance cameras on the Marina slip that holds the Safety boat and jet ski. Mark Leggett seconded; motion passed.
- Troy moved to approve the funding to place video surveillance cameras in Maintenance area to view the dumpsters and gas pump, not to exceed attached bid.
- Motorcycle Helmets: Allan Slavin brought to the Board’s attention that Missouri law now requires wearing a helmet only if you are younger than age 26. This change is updated in the 2021 Handbook (at the printer, so available next month).
- Mark Leggett asked the Board to invite the Sheriff to the June board meeting to discuss what the county can and cannot enforce at Lake Viking. There have been some complaints he would like to address.
- Fish stocking of lake: Mark Leggett reported the Conservation Department did a shock test on the lake, reporting that Lake Viking is the best crappie lake in the state of Missouri.
Adjourn: Mark Leggett moved to adjourn to Executive Session, to discuss personnel and Board organizational matters at 7:35 p.m. Allan Slavin seconded; motion passed.
Attendance: Flint & Mary Hibler, Mark & Stephanie Closterman, Robert & Vikki Walton, Eric Odette, Shawn & Paula Hepinstall, Tyler & Virgil Miller, Shad Mort (Lake Manager), Sally Zerbe (Office).
Let the record show that these minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members.
Respectfully submitted,
Celeste Armanees, Secretary
VVA Board of Directors