Call to Order 

Tony Gronniger, lot 2281, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. 

Mike Booth led in prayer.  Shad Mort led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Tony Gronniger opened the meeting with the Vision/Mission Statement: “Lake Viking is a private lake aspiring to preserve our community and environment for future generations.” “Our informed members are the strength of our community.”

Approve Last Months Minutes 

Mark Legget moved to approve last month’s minutes. Troy Lesan seconded; motion passed. 

Handbook Committee 

No report 

Finance Committee 

Met on August 5th on Zoom, 6 members present along with Mandy Kaullin from Westbrook CPA as our guest. Mandy reported as a result of Steven Livingston being in the office for three full days during the last week of July, we were able to cross the finish line with the integration of our financial operations into Westbrook’s system. Westbrook & Co., P.C., Certified Public Accountants, Richmond, MO., is now doing our  financials. As Board Members we will see, our Financial Documents have a slightly different look than previous office-generated documents as a result of the Westbrook system.  Mandy spoke to the group briefly about how their company will coordinate with the VVA. Their system is set up so they will be able to remote into our computers, although it is anticipated that their staff will still be on our property 2 to 3 times a month for payrolls and payables. Both Mandy and Steven from Westbrook advised us that we set up one more of our office computers with user status and Marvin plans on working on this.

There are still a couple of final items that Westbrook is working on. Board Members will notice the absence of the monthly Income vs. Budget statement and that will start appearing next month. In other business, Financial Statements were reviewed and it was noted that without the big-ticket items of capital gains tax payments and the first of three $99,000 payments to Selby Construction for work on the silt basin, other expenses are actually down from last year at this time. Shad has made a couple of purchases on the capital expenditures list and the cost has been as projected.

In items for next month, the Finance Committee will set a recommendation for next year’s campground rates and try and recruit new members with strong financial backgrounds

Strategic Planning Committee 

We are in the process of reviewing the long range strategic plan. We will update quarterly. 

Activities Committee 

In July the activities committee painted the underneath of the shelter house. We had an impromptu meeting to discuss getting all of our aUgust activities in place. Kid movie night was canceled due to circumstances beyond our control. August 13 we will have the Now and Then Band on the patio and on the 14th we have the Fishing Tournament from 5 am – 11 am, it is a catch and release, and part of the proceeds will go to restocking of the lake. The scavenger hunt is on August 21st from 10 am – 2 pm. 

Fire Department 

No Report 

Campground Committee 

We met in person and by conference call, to discuss many upgrades. In the fall, we would like to go through and re-label all breakers, renumbering the sites as well. Most of the work on this was on coming up with a proposal for the finance committee on proposed fees for 2022, which was given to the finance committee on Thursday. 

Lake Committee

Members had two working sessions on the water that resulted in a check of zebra mussel detectors with no zebra mussel presence found. Several more non-compliance letters are being sent out on brush piles on properties and also tall and unsightly strands of weeds on several shorelines. Thus far compliance with our notification letters has been good with only a few property owners receiving infractions. 

Infraction Committee

No Report 

Safety Committee 

Jason presented a 2022 budget. The Marina still does not know when the Jetski will be here. The one we were repairing had a carburetor issue. 

Dredge Committee 

Construction began on the south side, it is continuing right along. Within the next week, we should see them digging out. On the temporary road we have some soft spots in them, we will continue to pack that down and monitor that. There is also some work that needs to be done on 165th, there are some narrow areas there. We have been discussing with the road commission and Shad Mort about doing work there to make that passable. Pat and Shawn, Pat is our dredge operator, spent about two to three hours there, mapping out and measuring the entire area and came up with a game plan on how we want to attack that. We will continue to clean up the creek down at community area 3 and also the ponds in that area. 

Building Committee 

We had 14 permits last month, one house. 

Lake Manager Report – Shad Mort 

Tony had approached me about doing portable speed bumps. There are several areas around the lake we thought about deploying portable speed bumps, we can take them out during the winter for snow removal purposes and other things of that nature. If we put these down, we will need to have signs up that state “Speed Bump Ahead” before each one. The prices of these vary, the rubber heavy-duty ones go up to about $260 apiece, you can get other rubber ones for about $171 apiece. The plastic ones are about $138 apiece. Depending on how many we decide to deploy, if any, we will have to figure out the cost. Also, the post the MoDOT uses for the signs ranges from $160-$280 apiece and an additional $10-$30 for the signs. 

Troy asked how many locations do we anticipate needing them? About 4-6 spots. You can either pick 6 foot or 8 foot.  We have several places to put up new speed limit signs. We put in a new one-way sign in the entrance, new stop signs, and 25ton signs for the dam. We will continue to replace the signage around the lake. The board will table this for now and will discuss it next month. 

Road work and asphalt patching will continue in the next two weeks to finish out chip and seal operations. Please be aware and go slow over the freshly patched roads. As soon as we are done with the asphalt we will start digging out coves to get them cleaned out. We have had a few people reach out to volunteer to watch the pool after school begins. I am waiting on the pool manager to get me the schedule so we can see when we need the help. 


Troy Lesan moved to approve the financial reports. Mark Legget seconded; motion passed.

Guest Time

Kyle Rensenhouse lot 16, Infraction Tickets. After some discussion, an agreement was made between the member and the board. The Board moved to allow lake privileges to be reinstated, Seconded by Allan Slavin; motion passed.

There is a meet & greet coming up in September, safety will explain all the water rules. 

Board Discussion

Mike Booth – Campground committee proposal to renumber Campgrounds One and Two. Currently on the maps the campground is labeled with letters as well as numbers. We would like to clean that up, Campground One will be number 1-199 and Campground Two will start at 200-299. We know we’re pretty much full so we won’t go over those numbers. If and when there is a Campground Three we can number them 300-399. Plans are to send out a new campground lease agreement at the beginning of 2022 with new changes. 

Mike Booth motioned to renumber the Campgrounds. Troy Lesan seconded, motion passed. 

Current billing runs March-October, then winter camping. Part of that discussion was to move the fiscal year to January through December – One invoice for the whole 12 months. 

Mike Booth moved to adjust the campground fiscal year to January 1 to December 31, with a single 12-month annual rate set by the campground committee and finance committee. Troy Lesan seconded; after a lengthy discussion, motion passed. 

Marvin motioned the Lake Viking Board of Directors to approve a moratorium on any further construction or upgrade on any private boat ramps. Troy Lesan seconded; Motion passed. 

Marvin motioned that the Board of Directors immediately suspend access to dumpsters in the maintenance yard until a permanent solution is identified and implemented to end the excess and illegal use of Association-provided dumpsters. Mark Leggett seconded; several concerns were discussed. Mark Leggett asked that we implement a minimum fine and Allan Slavin pointed out that we already have a minimum fine in the handbook. After discussion, the motion was tabled. 

Lake Viking News meeting is on August 18. We need an 11×17 color printer in the Association Office. We had projected a monthly income of around $4,000 for the Lake Viking News. Our projection was low, we are plus about $3,700. 

There is an issue with a 6-foot privacy fence that has been erected that will be sent to the handbook committee. 


Tony Gronniger moved to adjourn the Executive Session to discuss personnel and Board organizational matters at  7:34 p.m. Allan Slavin, seconded; motion passed.


Kyle Rensenhouse, Shawn H., John & Vicky Walton, Mary Aschbrenner, Sue Morris, Jim & Romana Miller, Mary & Flint Hibler, Terry & Sally Zerbe, Levi McClure, and Jason with safety.