Call to Order
Board President Marvin McNabb, lot 28, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the Clubhouse at 2:00pm. Board members present were: Troy Lesan lot 576, Doug Winter lot 46, Mike Booth lot 2380, Allan Slavin lot 181, George Eshnaur lot 505, Celeste Armanees lot 62. Celeste Armanees led in prayer. Jeff Ferguson, Managing Director, led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Marvin McNabb reminded membership there will be 3 open seats on the Board of Directors to be voted on at the Annual Meeting in March. Members in good standing who are interested in running for election to the Board are encouraged to call the Office by Jan. 15th or email: [email protected].

Approval of Minutes
Doug Winter made a motion to approve the October Board minutes. Seconded by Troy Lesan; minutes were approved.

Handbook Committee
Celeste Armanees reported: No report.

Finance Committee
Doug Winters reported:
• The Finance Committee met on November 9th.
• Financial statements: We are doing well. We budgeted to lose $210,000 due to expenditures being up. However, instead of a $210,000 loss we are instead UP $249,000 which is a $500,000 swing in a positive direction. Most of that upswing comes from cost savings, and “S” lot sales.
• Late Fees: Our current Late Fee structure needs to be modified to automate these fees for our new QuickBooks software. Versus, currently must enter Late Fees manually which takes days. This change is a By-Law, so membership will vote on this at the Annual Meeting in March.
• Campground fees: Doug reported that the Campground Committee recommended instead of current 4-tier rates, we simplify to 2-tier rates (with vs. without sewer), since there is only a small $15/year difference between 30-amp & 50-amp, and soon all sites will be upgraded to 50-amp electrical. So for these 2 rates, the Finance Committee recommends a 9% cost-of-living increase, as this reflects the CPI inflation index of 9%. Doug made a motion to approve a 9% cost-of-living increase in Campground “base fee” going into next year at $604/year for sewer vs. $525/year for non-sewer. Seconded by Troy Lesan. Motion passed 5:0 as Mike Booth recused himself (due to conflict-of-interest).
• Campground’s electrical grid @ $450,000 projected cost: The 1960s electrical grid in Campground #1 and Campground #2 is failing & needs replaced. The Finance Committee has approved for VVA to loan to the Campground line item the $450,000 @ x% interest, which will be repaid/reimbursed to VVA over the next 6 years via increased Campground fees. So Campground fees pay for this expense. This loan has 2 options: loan @ 4.7% interest which is break-even (same return as putting this $450,000 into a money market fund) vs. loan @ 6% interest. VVA membership will vote on these 2 options at a Special Meeting being called for Saturday, December 3rd at 2 p.m., so work on the project can begin ASAP. Doug made a motion that these 2 options approved by the Finance Committee now be approved by the Board, for membership’s vote @ Special Meeting. Motion was seconded by Troy Lesan; motion passed by 5:1 with Mike Booth voting against.
• Campground’s 4 overnight campsites: These campsites are available to any VVA member in good standing, however are seldom ever used. This is an under-utilized revenue stream to generate funds that would go directly to the Campground. Currently, Handbook says these 4 campsites are “first come, first served” vs. Finance Committee recommends these instead be “by reservation—call the Campground Manager.” This way, any VVA member can plan ahead for their weekend guests, having reserved a place to camp for a predetermined night or weekend. And generate funds to the Campground. Mike Booth agreed the Campground Committee will submit a Handbook rule change on this.
• Beach improvement: Sale of “S” lots will go toward this project; one S lot (S#131) remains unsold. Of 6 RFPs sent out, we received 1 bid back. Doug made a motion to approve the $11,500 bid from Selby Construction to do the beach berms, which leaves $23,000 in the fund for beach bathroom renovation. Seconded by Celeste Armanees; motion passed.

Strategic Planning Committee
George Eshnaur reported:
• The committee met today. The 2020 Strategic Plan will be our roadmap.
• We do need additional members–especially females, as currently the committee is 6 males. If interested, please call the Office or email: [email protected].
• George motioned to add 2 new Committee members: Tom Rice, Jack Buckingham. Seconded by Doug Winter; motion passed.

Activities Committee
Celeste Armanees reported:
• The Halloween Trunk-or-Treat had 75-100 kids & parents attending this successful event.
• Celeste motioned to approve the 2023 Activities Calendar. Seconded by Allan Slavin; motion passed.
• Celeste motioned for new Activities Committee members: replace Leanne Lee with oncoming members Doug Wiltse, and Logan & Cassie Martin. Seconded by Troy Lesan; motion passed.

Building Committee
Allan Slavin reported:
We met a couple times in October. In the past month, the committee has reviewed & approved 19 Building Permits—including 3 for houses, 1 for a hanger, 2 for additions, and 10 for shoreline work.

Fire Department
Tony Gronniger (Fire Chief) reported:
The Firefighters’ Chili Cook-Off was held November 5th attended by 80-100 people, and generated $1,200 donations for the Fire Department. We wish to thank the Activities Committee—they did a stellar job setting up the event, and we couldn’t do this without all their planning & hard work. So many, many thanks to all!

Campground Committee
Mike Booth reported:
• The committee met with Farmers’ Electric regarding their part of the electrical upgrade.
• Mike motioned to add Randall Davidson to the committee. Seconded by George Eshnaur; motion passed.

Lake Committee
Troy Lesan reported:
The Committee is finished for the season w/ inspections on the water, and will be starting inspections from the road. As always, the biggest issue with roadside inspections will be the display of lot # and 911 addresses. Members are advised to review rules for posting these numbers on pg. 39 of the ‘22 VVA Handbook.

Infraction/Safety Committee
Mike Booth reported: No report.

Dredge Committee
Shawn Hepinstall (Chair) reported:
• The committee met on Nov. 9th.
• Beach berms: Committee members Dave Daniels and Bret Bush will be project leads for berms.
• Outsource dredging: Shawn handed out info packets RE: bids from Dredge America and Selby Construction for upcoming dredge work. With Dredge America expanding their inventory of equipment to include specialty dredging, and the “broken” down-time of our dredge becoming more expensive, and demands on our Maintenance staff that prevent them from doing other Maintenance tasks, Shawn suggested that VVA, on a one-year trial basis, outsource & hire Dredge America to dredge the South End + hire Selby Construction to do clean-out of silt basin ponds 1 & 2. The cost of $480,000 and $80,000 respectively will not be additional expense—instead, this money is already in the budget line items for dredging, dredge fuel and dredge accrual. Our Dredge Committee also reached out to MacGruder Dredging as a 3rd company to bid, but they only provided a verbal bid. Doug Winter made a motion for the Board to authorize these expenditures using existing funds to hire Dredge America, and Selby. Seconded by George Eshnaur; motion passed.

Restaurant Committee
Robert Walton (Chair) reported:
In order to determine feasibility/logistics IF decide we want a restaurant: We’d use a business model used at other lakes of constructing the building, then leasing it out to a restaurant operator. Toward that end, the committee has met with Doug Winter, and has spoken with contractors RE: grading work required, and has staked out boundary lines of the restaurant lot. Committee has also received business inquiries from several restaurant operators, and has reached out to building contractors for estimates. As the committee continues to investigate the feasibility of a restaurant at Lake Viking, it has established an email address: [email protected] for additional inquiries.

Technology Committee
Jeff Ferguson (Managing Director) reported:
We’d like to find more members w/ an interest in IT & social media to serve on this committee. For more information, please call the Office or email: [email protected].

Jeff Ferguson reported:
• Our Office has transitioned from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online which will tie into the new “Condo” app. The Condo app will streamline communication with members, invoicing, etc. with a go-live date of Jan. 3rd.
• Our Office now has a check reader machine @ no cost, complements of BTC Bank. This will result in fewer trips to town.
• Safety has hired additional staff: we welcome Jessica Conrad to the team.
• The lake level is currently down over a foot. Maintenance staff have been cleaning up dead trees around the lake. Campgrounds have been winterized. And a new tube is going in at Pilot & Pirate.

Doug Winter made a motion that the Financial Statements be approved as presented. Seconded by Troy Lesan; motion passed.

No guests had requested time on the agenda.

As per our By-Laws, Board Pres. Marvin McNabb called a Special Meeting, to be held Saturday, December 3 @ 2pm at the Clubhouse: VVA membership will vote on Campground Infrastructure Funding. If approved, work would begin soon thereafter.

With no further business, Allan Slavin moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:16pm. George Eshnaur seconded; motion passed.

Annette Mathenia lot 45, Peggy Lankford lot 2591, Ally Mahler lot 519, Don Leeper lot 22, Robert Walton lot 217, Shawn Hepinstall lot 543, Tony Gronniger lot 2281, Sharon Gough lot 2045, Mark & Stephanie Closterman lot 1900.
Let the record show that these minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and are a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members.

Respectfully submitted,
Celeste Armanees
Secretary, Board of Directors
Viking Valley Association