Call to Order
Board Pres. Marvin McNabb, lot 28, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the Clubhouse, at 2:00pm. Board members present were: Troy Lesan lot 576, Mike Booth lot 2380, George Eshnaur lot 505, Celeste Armanees lot 62. Not present were: Allan Slavin lot 181, Doug Winter lot 46. Celeste Armanees led in prayer. Jeff Ferguson, Lake Director, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Minutes
Troy Lesan moved to approve the December ‘22 Board minutes. Seconded by George Eshnaur; minutes were approved.
Handbook Committee
Celeste Armanees reported: At next month’s Board meeting, we’ll present many small changes to the Handbook so it reflects VVA’s change from e.g. a physical Guest Card & Membership Card, which will now all be online via the new Condo app.
Finance Committee
Celeste Armanees reported: The Finance Committee met via Zoom on Jan. 5th.
• Financial Reports: We finished the year 2022 with a $107,000 surplus, which was a positive as we were expecting a deficit. We also discussed establishing a procedure for writing off bad debt.
• Morgan Stanley investments: Our account has $1.43 million, which is down $11,000 since December, and overall down 5% since the account inception in Feb. ’22 almost a year ago.
• Campground: Flint Hibler stated the Campground Committee at the March Annual Meeting intends to present for vote: a one-time assessment of all VVA members (1,519 members) to cover the $450,000 cost to replace the electrical grid. However, he had no other details at that time. George Eshnaur will assist the Campground Committee in presenting their proposals at the next Finance Committee meeting. Celeste reminded everyone that this $450,000 electrical upgrade is phase 1. Within the next year, phase 2 will be another major expenditure, which is septic upgrade. Terry Nibarger expressed his concern that there is need for more public discussion before the Annual Meeting of the potential cost to fix the sewage problem. To that end, RFPs are being sent out to receive price quotes on septic, to hopefully present prior to the Annual Meeting.
• Safety Dept: Additional funding is needed to pay for unbudgeted personnel. A $50 Watercraft Stickering Fee has been proposed for each watercraft (boat, jet ski, etc.) to fund Safety. Jeff Ferguson said our attorney responded that it’s legal for this fee to be voted on & approved by the Board as this is a rule or fee, not an Annual Dues increase. Also being considered is a $40 ATV/golf cart Stickering Fee. Both of these Stickering Fees will likely be voted on at the April Board meeting.
• Beach renovation: “S” lot 131 has not sold yet, whose proceeds will fund beach renovation. Selby Construction will start beach berms in March to allow for seeding to take hold. Bathroom renovation at beach 2 is in progress, thanks to our volunteers.
Strategic Planning Committee
George Eshnaur reported: No meeting was held over the holidays. Next meeting is late January.
Activities Committee
Celeste Armanees reported: No report.
Building Committee
Marvin McNabb reported: In the past month, the committee has received & reviewed 3 Building Permits—none for houses.
Fire Department
Tony Gronniger reported: Next meeting is Fri., Jan. 13 at 2:00pm.
Campground Committee
Mike Booth reported: No report.
Lake Committee
Troy Lesan reported: Roadside inspections are expected to begin in February.
Infraction Committee
No report.
Dredge Committee
No report.
Restaurant Exploratory Committee
Robert Walton (Chair) reported: The committee held our first official meeting. We reviewed price quotes received for this potential project, and what quotes we still need to pursue.
Technology Committee
Kelly Mathenia reported: No report, as we did not meet over the holidays.
Jeff Ferguson (Lake Director) reported:
• The VVA Office has converted from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online. Some minor problems during the transition have been corrected. Condo, the new HOA software app, interacts with QuickBooks Online.
• Condo is currently being tested by a small group of 20 users. On Jan. 16th, another test group of 300 users will be brought online. Each VVA member will receive an email letting them know how to access the system and download the app. To get all VVA members on the new Condo online system, we have 803 of 1,000+ members’ email addresses. If you are not already receiving occasional emails from VVA e.g. on next Board meeting, please call the Office at 660-322-9001, ext.4.
• At the dam spillway, a water heater has been installed.
• Maintenance staff are repairing potholes around Lake Viking Terrace & also servicing equipment during winter months.
• Farmers’ Electric will be updating the electric service on the northwest side of the lake, changing from one phase to triple phase line. This will improve service since currently if one line is down, there is no service to the area until it is repaired. Vs. with the three-phase line, the service can be switched to another of the lines to minimize service down-time.
• Campground: Regarding the needed septic upgrade, Jeff has reached out to a company to do perc tests to have the project engineered properly.
Approval of Financial Statements
Mike Booth moved that the Financial Statements be approved as presented. Seconded by George Eshnaur; motion passed.
Guest Time
No guests had requested time for this Board meeting.
Board Discussion
A request was received from Brad & Jennifer Leeper at lot 82, requesting permission to install a 2nd buoy for safety reasons, as they are on a high-traffic part of the lake. Troy Lesan moved to allow this 2nd buoy at lot 82. Seconded by Celeste Armanees; motion passed.
George Eshnaur moved to adjourn to Executive Session at 2:43 pm, to discuss legal, personnel, and Board organizational matters. Seconded by Troy Lesan; motion passed.
A sign-in Attendance Sheet is on record at the Office for reference: Mary Aschbrenner lot 306, Donna Smith lot 345, Sue Morris lot 332, Rick Justice lot 2005, Robert Walton lot 217, Terry Nibarger lot 67, Jeff Speed lot 2270, Robert Hayes lot 389, Doug Wiltse lot 494, Tony Gronniger lot 2281, Kelly & Annette Mathenia lot 45, Dan & Margie Rosenthal lot 677, Mark & Stephanie Closterman lot 1900, Ally Mahler lot 519, Tony Southwick lot 1594.
Let the record show that these minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and are a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members.
Respectfully submitted,
Celeste Armanees
Secretary, VVA Board of Directors