March 5, 2023 @ 2pm
at Winston High School Gym

Campground Funding Motions

  1. Motion from Dec. 3 rd Special Meeting Association members will pay a one-time assessment of $300 per association member to cover the $450,000 electrical grid project in the two campgrounds.

If this motion fails, move to 2.

  1. Association members will pay a one-time assessment of $150 per association member to cover 50% ($225,000) of the electrical grid project in the two campgrounds, and the other 50% ($225,000) will come from the Deferred Maintenance Capital fund – Income line item 4350

If this motion fails, move to 3.

  1. Association members will pay a one-time assessment of $150 per association member to cover 50% ($225,000), and campground members will pay 50% ($225,000) with money collected from the increase in rental fees.

If this motion fails, move to 4.

4. Proposed Motion for Funding and New By-Law

VVA members are to pay a $100 assessment to fund 2023 campground electrical expense.

ARTICLE VIII MISCELLANEOUS By-Laws  (Page 14 -15 VVA Handbook)
Section 5: Campgrounds The campgrounds are not a general VVA amenity. Rather they are a limited amenity with no more than 200 campsites available at any given time. Therefore “VVA Members in Good Standing,” must not bear assessments paying for entire cost of campground infrastructure improvements. Campground assessments to VVA membership must be proportional in regard to the number of campers who are part of total membership number and not to exceed 25% of amount of any campground related assessment being proposed at an Annual or Special Meeting.

• By-Law on pg. 9: Shall VVA’s Annual Meeting be changed from March to October? See proposal.

• By-Law on pg. 6: … In the case of a married couple being the Active Member, then all privileges (insert “with the exception of unlimited guests”) shall be extended to his/her immediate family … who still reside in the home of such Active Member.

• By-Law on pg. 8, Section 8 on Late Fees: Shall current verbiage on late fees ($x or y% penalty) be replaced with higher late fees—i.e. “a 4% late fee will be assessed at 30 days late, again at 60 days late, and again at 90 days late.”

• Should VVA Raise 2023 Dues & Assessments to members (9% cost-of-living increase per Consumer Price Index for inflation)

Vote on 2023 Dues & Assessments
Special Assessments = $597.32 From $548.00
Special Lake Assessments = $114.45 From $ 105.00
Dredge Personnel = $21.80 From $20.00
Special Lake Accrual = $32.70 From $30.00
Special Road Assessments = $37.06 From $34.00
Capital Project Assessment = $46.87 From $43.00
TOTAL Assessments for 1 lot, including $75.00 Dues = $925.20
a $70.20 = 9% increase vs. last year

Other motions submitted to VVA office by 2-21-23 may also be on ballot