Call to Order
Board Pres. Doug Winter, lot 46, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the Clubhouse, at 2:00pm. Board members present were: Terry Nibarger, lot 657, Tom Rice, Lot 343, Tony Gronniger, Lot 2281 and George Eshnaur Lot 505. Terry Nibarger led in prayer. Doug Winter, Board President, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Doug Winter read the mission statement of Lake Viking. Board members not present included Allan Slavin and Jeremy Lillig and Lake Manager, Jeff Ferguson.
Approval of Minutes
Tom Rice made a motion to approve the April 2023 Meeting Minutes. Second by Tony Gronniger. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Handbook Committee
Tom Rice reported:
• Tom Rice stated the committee has received suggested changes from the Fishing Committee re limits, size etc. The fishing rules will be modified in conjunction with the Missouri Conservation Department rules. A fishing license will be required for any Missouri resident fishing at Lake Viking with the same specifications as required by the MO Conservation Department. Any non-resident fisherman will be required to purchase a MO license. Game fish are not allowed to be used as bait. Tom then explained the new daily limits for pan fish, crappie, largemouth bass, white/hybrid bass and catfish. Violations of the fishing rules should be reported to the Safety Office. A motion was made by Tom Rice to change the handbook to approve the changes is fishing rules. Motion was seconded by Terry Nibarger. Motion passed unanimously.
• Tom Rice stated the committee is recommending a change to the handbook to more clearly reflect the length of watercraft permitted on the lake. The maximum length is 24.0 feet as titled. Boats which have been stickered in the past which slightly exceed the length are grandfathered in. Tom Rice made a motion that the length limit be changed in the handbook and motion was seconded by George Eshnaur. Motion passed unanimously.
• Tom Rice stated the committee is recommending that powered waterboards be allowed on the lake. Randy Tague presented at the May 2023 meeting introducing the powered board sold by the Marina. A powered waterboard will count toward the watercraft limit stated in the handbook. A high visibility life preserver will be required for persons operating a powered waterboard. The question was asked can the powered waterboard operate behind the wake buoys and was answered that no watercraft, including powered waterboards, if they are creating a wake. Tom Rice motioned the change be accepted and the motion was seconded by George Eshnaur. Motion passed unanimously.
• Tom Rice stated the committee is recommending a change to the Control of Pets section. The statement pets are not allowed off the owner’s property will be deleted. Statement will be added that pets not on the member’s property shall be controlled on a leash. Statement will be added that an animal which causes a bite wound or abrasion may be deemed vicious and may not be allowed at the lake. Also, from page 18 dog impoundment paragraph will be removed as we do not have the ability to provide impoundment. Tom Rice motioned that the change be accepted and motion was seconded by Tony Gronniger. Motion passed unanimously.
• Tom Rice stated the committee is recommending a change to page 30 under Careless and Impudent driving a second sentence will be added stated, A fine up to $500.00 may be assessed for each infraction including driving while intoxicated. Tom Rice made the motion to accept the change and it was seconded by George Eshnaur. Motion passed unanimously.
• Tom Rice stated the committee has proposed changes to the Campground rules in the handbook. On page 31 removal of camper shells will not be allowed to be removed at the campground. Camping season is open year-round. The water is shut off to the campgrounds in November and turned on in spring weather permitting after the probability of freezing is past. Tenting paragraph removed and added tenting will be $5.00 per day per person. The Campground Manager’s number will be changed to 660-605-3004. Any improvements in the campground must have the approval of the Managing Director and/or the Campground Manager. Changes to permanent site leases must remain with the site. This includes but not limited to timbers installed, gravel added etc. Any request to dig in the campground must by properly approved through the campground manager. A broken campground contract will result in the RV port located on the site to become the property of VVA Campground. Noise regulation quiet hours will be 11pm to 8am. The last change was no cleaning and disposal of fish remains will be allowed at the campground trash containers. Tom Rice made the motion to accept the changes and motion was seconded by Tony Gronniger. Motion passed unanimously.
Finance Committee
Terry Nibarger reported:
• The Finance Committee met June 8, 2023 and was led by Paula Hepinstall. The May 2023 financials were reviewed. Terry reported there was an 8% increase in revenue. Morgan Stanley account for May 23 was up $8225.71. The balance in the Morgan Stanley investment account is $1,105,573 and is earning 5.45% rate of return. Terry Nibarger recommended that $500,000 be moved to the FDIC insured account to avoid risk. Paula Hepinstall recommended that a full independent audit be done of the VVA financials.
• Seven VVA owned lots have been sold. Lot 717 work will be done in the next two weeks and the lot will be offered for sale at $275K to VVA members with no realtor’s fees. If the lot is not sold to a VVA member it will be placed with a realtor for sale.
• Terry Nibarger reported an interested party has volunteered to do work on building a jetty if the Association will pay for their fuel and install the boat docks behind the jetty.
• Terry reminded the attendees that the annual meeting date has been changed and will be in October 2023.
• Terry reported that Phase 1 of the campground electrical repair has been completed. The special assessment that was approved at the annual VVA meeting has brought in $113,000 to date.
• Terry reported on the septic system needs a larger berm and a larger lagoon. This is being reviewed for future changes.
Strategic Planning Committee
George Eshnaur Lot 505 reported: Meeting was held May 16, 2023 and will meet again June 21, 2023. During the May meeting the pros and cons of selling lake lot 717 were discussed. Strategic planning committee will begin obtaining RFPs for projects which are anticipated. The committee is working with Jeff Ferguson to review projects and update the status of these projects.
Activities Committee
No report for this meeting. The Annual Poker Run was held June 10, 2023. The event was very successful with 350 participating in the Poker Run.
Building Committee
Doug Winter reported for Allan Slavin Lot 181: In the past month, the committee has met two times. They reviewed 23 Building Permits. None of the permits were for houses.
Fire Department
Tony Gronniger Lot 2281 reported:
• The Fire Department continues to meet monthly.
• The hose test for the department has been completed.
• Fire Department will provide a water spout on July 1, 2023.
• The fire department roster has been updated.
Safety Department
• During the Memorial Day Holiday Safety worked one crash with moderate damage. Safety gave 27 warnings and issued 27 infractions. Two boats were towed.
• Safety has provided many assists with Condo Control questions and usage.
• To date, Safety has stickered 850 watercraft. This is the most Safety has completed by this early in the boating season. In 2022 Safety stickered 1064 watercraft but this was completed over the season. Condo has resulted in more crafts being stickered earlier in the season.
Campground Committee
George Eshnaur reported:
• Campground 1: A fence has been built around the dumpster and looks good.
• Campground 1: There are 30 empty spaces in the campground. Three are expected to be filled in the next few days.
• Campground 2: Three spots are expected to be opened up in the near future for nightly camping.
• Committee is working on the budget for the campgrounds for next year.
• Campground Committee is holding a get to know the committee members and the work that is being done and is anticipated to come. This will be held July 22, 2023.
• Vacancy signs in the Campgrounds will be posted soon.
• The date for the next meeting has not yet been set.
Lake Committee
Tony Gronniger Lot 2281 reported:
• The committee members have been on the water several times in the last month.
• Tony noted that the lake has never looked better.
• The main problem identified is docks not having the Lot number displayed on the dock. There have been several new docks installed and these need numbers.
Infraction Committee
• No report from the committee
• Infraction committee met June 10, 2023
Dredge Committee
Shawn Hepinstall reported:
• The heavy material from Goose Island is gone. Dredge America had to stop 30 times in one day to remove equipment blockages.
• Dredge America is now working on the Yacht Club side now. The goal is for Yacht Club docks to be back in place for the July 4, 2023 holiday weekend.
• Shawn reported Dredge America has filled 2 of the silt ponds. The capacity of the ponds is 96K and we estimate they will use 50K.
• Buoys have been moved due to dredging but will be put back in place when dredging is completed.
• Lot 717 which will soon be for sale has a water depth of 7 feet.
Restaurant Committee
Robert Walton Lot 217 reported:
• A second survey was sent out to Lake owners and after reviewing the results of the survey, the members have indicated they are not interested in a restaurant being built at the lake.
• Mr. Walton extended thanks to George Eshnaur and Jeff Ferguson for their help with surveying members.
• Mr. Walton stated the committee will be dissolved.
• Thank you was given to Mr. Walton for all the work he and the committee have done.
Tech Committee
Scott Fatheree Lot 3162 reported:
• Midstates fiber installation at the Lake was delayed until July 1, 2023. Fiber will not be run on unimproved lots. Fiber will be run to each home at no cost if this is done during the time the main fiber lines are being installed. You are not obligated to subscribe to the service. There will be public WIFI access at Beaches 1, 2 & 3, Office/Clubhouse and the Yacht Club.
• Telephones have been installed in the VVA office. We will eventually receive email under
• Review being done of items left to do to complete Condo install. Some on the items to complete are payments on line, building permit applications and payments and notification of building permit approvals.
• Handbook will be on Condo as will other applications. The Lake Viking Website will be more of a public site. Scott discussed using a bot to do queries of Handbook information for quick retrieval.
Managing Directors Report
Doug Winter reported for Jeff Ferguson (Managing Director):
Condo Control
• We are moving from Card Connect for credit card payments to Zego. The fee is 3% plus $2.00 per transaction. The change was made as the credit card system has to be compatible with Condo so payments can be processed online.
• Payments via Condo will be available in July 2023.
Lake Information
• Clubhouse rental fees are being reviewed.
• Jeff is working with the USDA to identify programs which the Lake may be eligible to participate in. One example is a pollinator garden as much of the Lake land are used for haying for livestock.
• Beach 2 has suffered some erosion during the recent rain.
• Permit payments are used for the road repairs.
• Lot S131 has not sold. Nadine Parmenter is the agent who has the lot listed for sale. Plan is to lower the price and let the buyer do any work that is needed on the lot.
Fishing Committee
• Brett Bush reported that there will be two additional fishing tournaments later this year. There will be a Crappie tournament and another Bass tournament.
• Brett reported that they will contribute another $2000 to stock fish, as well as the $2000 in the association budget.
• Fishing Committee will report at monthly meeting going forward.
Approval Of Financial Statements
Tom Rice made a motion that the Financial Statements for May 2023 be approved as presented. Seconded by Terry Nibarger; motion passed unanimously.
Guest Time
No guests were on the agenda for this meeting.
Board Discussion
No board discussion was held.
Motion was made to adjourn to Executive Session at 3:15 pm to discuss legal, personnel, and Board organizational matters. A second was received and the motion passed by all board members. Meeting was adjourned at 3:15 pm.
A sign-in Attendance Sheet is on record at the Office for reference. Let the record show that these minutes are a record of the business transacted at this meeting and are a sampling of the discussions. Comments and discussions are not reflected in whole or as actual quotations in the minutes, nor do they reflect all comments by members.