Kyle Parkhurst, President (2026), called the meeting to order at 4:00pm which was held at the water plant.  Members in attendance were Mark Closterman (2027), Gary Buck (2027), Harlan Horst (2026), and Mike Lammers (2025).  Also in attendance were Zack Morrison, Water Superintendent, and Diane Hulett, Clerk.
Gary Buck made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 20, 2024, Board Meeting.  Harlan Horst seconded.  All members were in favor; motion carried.
There was no public comment.
Zack informed the board that the engineers plan to have a rough draft completed within 1-2 weeks for him to review.
Financial Report:
The financial reports and bills were reviewed and discussed. Harlan Horst moved to approve the August financial reports as submitted and approve the bills and transfers.  Mark Closterman seconded.  All members voted to approve; motion carried.
Propane bids were discussed.  A motion was made by Gary Buck and seconded by Mike Lammers to go with the lowest bid received from Landes Propane.  All voted in favor; motion approved.
Diane informed the board that a request for payment in the amount of $72,507.02 was submitted to Farmer’s Bank of Great Bend to reimburse the district for two invoices paid prior to the date the project financing was completed.  A motion was made by Mark Closterman and seconded by Gary Buck to invest $70,000.00 of the reimbursement in a 13month CD at 5% with Putnam County State Bank.  All members voted in favor; motion approved.
Superintendent Report:
Zack reported that he and Gary will be attending a safety meeting in Saint Joseph, MO on 9/19 with the hours from the event counting toward their recertification.  He also relayed to the board that VVA recently asked for a donation toward running a water line to the jetty for food trucks.  A motion was made by Harlan Horst to donate 200’ of 1” roll pipe water line.  Gary Buck seconded.  All members voted to approve; motion carried.  Zack informed the board that the Ranger recently broke down and the cost to repair was estimated to be $2400.00.  Following discussion on whether to repair or trade in the unit, a motion was made by Harlan Horst to trade in the current ATV and purchase a 2024 Polaris Ranger for $23,500.00.  Mark Closterman seconded.  All members voted in favor; motion approved.  Lastly, Zack informed the board that one meter install, two leak repairs, one meter reset, and 48 locates have been completed in the past month, plus Mid-States connected the water plant to fiber on 9/13/24.
Kyle Parkhurst, President, announced the next meeting would be October 15, 2024, at the water plant.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:15pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mark Closterman