Clubs & Organizations
Lake Viking quilters donate to local schools
Like everyone else, the Lake Viking Quilters’ routine was interrupted by COVID-19 hassles and restrictions. When the Lake Viking Clubhouse was closed in late March, the girls temporarily lost a meeting place. They met for a while after the clubhouse was open again but they had already decided to stop meeting about a week before the clubhouse closed again during the end of September. Interruptions – yes, but the quilters still kept up production, and these pictures show the results. — Troy Lesan
Back in October, the Winston R-6 School District expressed its appreciation to the Lake Viking Quilters for the donation of quilts to be used as prizes for students and staff. Pictured are LV Quilters Laura Johnson, Shirley Leakey, and Jennifer Wineinger displaying some of those quilts.
⦁ CARD CLUBS — Couples Club & Ladies Bridge meet 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 1 p.m. in homes. Contact Marlan Larason, 663.3395
⦁ HOMEMAKERS CLUB — meets at noon on 2nd Thursday in lower clubhouse level. Bring a covered dish and your own table service. Good programs and fellowship. Contact Shirley Leakey, 663.3744
⦁ LAKE VIKING CHURCH — Sunday School 9 a.m., morning worship 10 a.m. Adult Bible study and prayer meeting 7 p.m. Wednesdays. Contact the Rev. Robert Nelson, 663.7433, or Jo Gould, 663.3914
⦁ LAKE VIKING LIONS CLUB — meets 7 p.m. 1st Thursday monthly in lower clubhouse level; contact Dallas Engel, 660-334-1265
⦁ QUILTERS GUILD — meets 8:30 a.m.on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in September through May. Bring a sack lunch. Contact Joyce Becerra, 663.3474, or Shirley Leakey, 663.3744
⦁ SUPPER CLUB — meets 6 p.m. the 3rd Friday monthly in the lower clubhouse level. Entertainment (or cards/games) follow meal. Contact Shirley Leakey, 663.3744
Lake Viking Yacht Club
At the other end of Lake Viking from the clubhouse and marina area is a second equally great meeting place for Lake Viking — the Yacht Club. This octagonal-shaped social hub was built on its own peninsula in 1972 and is joined to the shore by the man-made isthmus and road called Eagle Point.
The Yacht Club is a private club. Property owners of most of the #3000’s and #1200’s lake lots and also “B” and “C” lot owners located around the south end of the lake are eligible to join. Only members and their guests may use the facility. The Yacht Club building features a huge party room (with outstanding overhead beam work and a larger-than-normal size map of the entire map of the entire lake), picnic tables, and barbecue grills, horseshoe and volleyball areas, a swimming and children’s play area, and boat slips rentable to club members at an extremely reasonable rate.
Many Yacht Club members are also summer-long campers, with permanent campsites set up at Campground # l. Returning year after year, the residents of Campground # 1 enjoy a sense of community and social camaraderie, which carries over to their Yacht Club doings. The Association already maintains 175 campsites in two campgrounds, and plans to enlarge and improve Campground # 1 in the near future.
Wishing to incorporate with the larger lake’s general activities, the Yacht Club participates in the annual Progressive Dinner, which is held on the first Saturday evening in August. This is a perfect opportunity for the whole lake to enjoy the perfect setting found in the clubhouse on Eagle Point!
— taken from “Lake Viking 1967-2007: Celebrating 40 Years of Progress,” written by Susan MacEachern